Als Geigerin, Master of Desaster von Ensemble uBu oder „Komplizin“ anderer KünstlerInnen spielt, inszeniert und infiltriert Anna Neubert Konzertsettings, bisher zu erleben u.a. bei den Schwetzinger Festspielen, AchtBrücken Festival, Bundeskunsthalle Bonn, Villa Massimo Rom, auch in diversen Kulturbunkern und Kitas.
Since the concert performance SEILTÄNZER (2013), she has directed concerts for projects with the Kölner Verein für zeitgenössischen Zirkus (METAMORPHOSES NOCTURNES 2015), ZAMUS Köln (TRAUMWANDEL 2016), the B.A.-Zimmermann-Gesellschaft (PRÉSENCE 2016), for the cooperation project AUF.ZU - EIN KONTAKTKONZERT (2017) and for the INTERVALL series of the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen (WEBERN_BEWEGT 2019).
Since 2020, she has been researching the interfaces between music and weaving art with textile artist Nicole Kiersz.
She can also be heard as a violinist and performer in concerts by electronicID, in productions by the Junge Oper am Rhein and the Junge Opern Dortmund/Bonn, in a duo with guitarist Leonhard Spies and together with soprano Marie Heeschen in a scenic version of G. Kurtág's Kafka Fragments.
After training as a violinist in Cologne and Paris, Anna Neubert specialized in the study of contemporary music, deepening her knowledge through her participation in the Lucerne Festival Academy, among other things.
She has received awards and support at the International Alois Kottmann Competition and through the Yehudi Menuhin Live Music Now concert sponsorship program, among others. In 2016, she won the Boris Pergamenschikow Prize with Trio uBu. In 2018, she was a scholarship holder of the Alfred Toepfer Foundation's Concerto21 Academy and received the stART.up scholarship from the Claussen-Simon Foundation for 2018-2020.